Created in 2004 in Belgium then in 2008 in Luxemburg, OPTIM-SOLUTIONS answer a real need in projects development. Keys are an appropiate analysis and a accurate definition of the targeted goals by competent talent.

The Owner of OPTIM-SOLUTIONS, ir Hugues LERMUSIAUX get a Master at the Polytechnic School of Brussels. He starts his carreer in 1998 in optimization of processes. The first industry sector was the nano-technologies industry then from years 2000 in througputs optimizations in logistic industry and also in the e-commerce. Then Hugues LERMUSIAUX Manage projets of airport Terminals, Hospital buildings, Laboratory Buildings and a lot of Real Estate Developments office/residential and retail.

The experience acquired as a project owner, as designer and also as a company that carries out projets allows us to appreciate all the challenges of projets that we carry out with passion. Our desire is create value and to be proud of our achievements!